Our mission is to achieve this via advocacy, networking, partnerships and a collective voice.
It’s our mission to create THE largest network of its kind in the UK, cementing our place in the event industry to change the game for better and forever. ABEP’s vision is to support sustainable growth for Black Event Professionals in the events industry with a predominant focus on the United Kingdom and a secondary focus on the USA and Africa.
Our Objectives
Represent, promote and further the interests of members involved in the events industry across the United Kingdom, United States & Africa.
Increase the focus on Black opportunities within the industry.
Develop a financial eco-system that enables ABEP to build a long term, self sustaining model to facilitate and drive growth for Black event professionals globally.
Why We Exist
In 2020 after the murder of George Floyd, we witnessed many industry and organisations voice their aliance that ‘Black Lives Matter’. As the year progressed, it became apparent, the novelty and tokenised value black people became – soon became less vocalised.
As a result in 2021, Nadu Placca & Nicole Wallace-White of The Zoo XYZ begun to conduct some research into the experiences of Black Event Professionals.
The events industry is predominantly known for being an old white boys club.Representation matters and who better to represent Black event professionals better than a group of people who understand and live your experience.

Our Reason for Being
Instead of asking for a seat at the table, we are committed to building our own table. For us by us. To change the game for the better forever.
In July 2021, with the support of founding member Aaron Raybe The Zoo XYZ commissioned the first report, Black in the Boardroom (BITB). A report which explores racial disparity within the UK events industry.
The report analysed 15 UK event trade bodies and associations with a focus on Black professionals within these organisations. The data was conclusive, within the 15 UK event trade associations and bodies analysed, there are no Black professionals in senior, board or leadership positions. BITB report provided collaborative tangible solutions to support the UK event industry towards a bid for Diversity Equality and Inclusion that centres Black professionals and Black-owned businesses.
Register to be a member
Join us and support a sustainable future for the events industry. Please fill in the form to receive a free copy of the Black In The Boardroom report:
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